Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Adult Acne? - Don't Feel You're Alone. It Happens!

by Robert G. Knechtel

While we think of acne as a teenage affliction, adults in surprising numbers are vulnerable to this skin disorder. Both teenagers and adults with acne often react by wanting to isolate. However, as a grown-up you should take some comfort in the knowledge that you are by no means alone.

Statistics reveal that, at some time in their lives, 25% of adult men and 50% of adult women will experience an acne outbreak more serious that an occasional zit or two. So, the teenage stereotype basically is a myth.

Adult Acne Solutions - Medicine and Other Approaches

Almost always, the first thing that comes to mind for treating adult acne in its more virulent manifestations is what choices among the many acne medicines would make sense. Those under care of a dermatologist likely will be prescribed one or more of the most commonly indicated acne medications, including Accutane, Retin-A, Erythromycin, Tetracycline and Doxycycline.

For really severe adult acne, i.e. the kind that can scar, many physicians are quick to prescribe Accutane. This is a very powerful medication that attacks the underlying cause of acne from the inside out by shrinking oil glands. An excess of skin oil is the underlying cause of acne. A natural oil called sebum builds to abnormal levels, clogging skin pores, leading to the growth of microbes which are responsible for acne flare-ups.

One of Accutane's huge drawbacks is its well documented incidence of side effects. First, it can produce severe birth defects in pregnant women. Secondly, many experience mild to moderate aches in the joints and muscles as well as dry and cracked lips, dry skin, dry mouth and dry nose.

There are many who claim, on the other hand, that their adult acne is especially susceptible to treatment with benzoyl peroxide, an ingredient found in several of the over-the-counter creams and ointments. Excellent results are often obtained when these remedies are combined with good diet and proper hydration.

Under any circumstances, if you do nothing else, drink plenty of water! Your skin needs water for hydration i.e. moisturizing. As an adult acne victim, your skin will suffer from dehydration. Control of acne is also enhanced by eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Combining diet and hydration with vitamins is also recommended. Vitamins A, B, C, and E are believed to have beneficial effects, especially vitamin A. The latter helps to control hormonal levels which in turn controls production of sebum. In addition, vitamin A operates as an antioxidant which strengthens skin tissue.

Beyond medication, diet and hydration there are more invasive treatment techniques to which many turn to cope with the consequences of adult acne.


In cases of mild acne scarring, microdermabrasion is becoming more of a treatment of choice. However, it is not useful for severe scarring. Moreover, those of advanced age or with sensitive skin usually are not candidates for this technique. One of its advantages is that the treatment is brief and results become apparent very quickly.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is a relatively new process to come on the scene in adult acne treatment. By using a laser light, this method can reach even deeper skin layers than microdermabrasion.

Chemical Peeling

Improvement in skin discoloration and age spots, as well as light freckling and scarring also can be brought about by chemical peeling. It will stimulate growth of new, healthy skin cells which is quite beneficial for adult acne sufferers.

What is the Price of All This Adult Acne Treatment?

Costs for acne remedies can vary from just a few dollars for a tube of over-the-counter medication to thousands of dollars for more proactive approaches. Antibiotics and prescribed topical creams and lotions can cost upwards of $200 per month. Skin resurfacing treatments such as microdermabrasion, chemical peeling, lasers, etc. can cost from less than $100 to thousands, depending on where treatment is rendered. If you suffer from adult acne, watch out in Beverly Hills!
Article Source:
Buy Accutane (Isotretinoin) $2.00 per pill

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