Friday, April 27, 2007

Small tricks to take care of the skin with acne

1. The oily skin, and even more problematic when, doctors recommend wash twice a day, and after each physical work or sports. The process of washing should glorified as cleaning and disinfecting the skin.

2.Movement in the washing must begin with the chin, nose and forehead to the border of hair growth.

3.Comedones or as they are called "black spots" is not dirt. This is the color of the pigment, which meets in inflammation ground. Their hands were strictly prohibited.

4. The face wash to make better use of a special antibacterial soap, which was partially kills bacteria and makes it difficult for them to expand. Use soap, which contains sulfur. More frequent washing and additional purification using various skin lotions, cosmetic milk, especially if they are in the alcohol and its derivatives could lead to irritate skin and cause inflammation.

5.They do not enjoy cleaning tools with abrasives.

6.Not ground face keys swabs.

7. Not steam out skin of face.

8.After washing face wet dry disposable absorbent papers that when wet in the water and not shied away and flakes.

9. Any creams, including drugs cause only a dry skin. Better after washing wait 20-30 minutes for the face dry, and only then do drugs.

10.Do not use common towels or body-towels, which you use after taking a bath.

11. Usually acne disease provokes increase fat hair. And then have to wash the head more often. Remember that when washing head, it is very important that the shampoo does not reach the skin. Try also to rinsing his hair as little as possible on the face.

12.People with oily and problematic skin often use make-up. All cosmetics should be water-based (in the first place should be water).

13. Do not use grease or its derivatives, cocoa butter and not to cause skin vitamin E.

14. Fatty creams directly from the refrigerator to use is not recommended. This cream must be in the hands of heat (or heat hands by rubbing palms), and then cause the face.

15. Any drug that is on the skin, should be tested on a small area of skin. Usually it or leather elbow or wrist, where rubbing a small amount of drugs. And within 12 hours or days governing the response of the skin.

16. It is not recommended that the chemical peel. This can cause damage to the protective barrier of skin, which in turn trigger the skin to even greater action to defend themselves.

17. Draw attention to the work of the stomach, urinary and endocrine systems. Make blood tests, as well as to determine hormonal in organism.

18. Remember that treatment only controls the appearance of acne, but is not exempt from them completely. Do not stop treatment even when your skin will be in order. Acne is at least one month before becoming visible.
© Ramzaj
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Elements (types) of acne

by Ramzaj
There are the primary items that will occur during the scars of illness, and secondary - who remain at the primary site.
Primary cells are of two types - inflammatory and noninflammatory. This division is suspended, and "inflamed" characteristic is primarily concerned with the external "inflamed" - reddening of the skin and swelling.
The noninflammatory elements are mixed comedones and sometimes cyst.
- white heads (close comedones)

- black heads (open comedones)

- cyst

Comedones or acne, are of two types : open and closed. Closed comedones look like white points, or nodules, were white "head". Open comedones look like black dots (often called them and sometimes also say "black heads"). Comedones increasingly placed on the forehead and chin.
The inflammatory elements (radicals) are papules and blisters, as well as nodules.

- papules

- pustule

- nodules

Papules look like small dense knots to 5 mm in diameter, red poetic on the surface of skin. Many small papul can give hilly skin type.

Pustules (background) less dense skin, as they represent the cavity filled with suffering. Pus then went to the surface. The pustules formed in follicle, usually a hair. Pustules small size (up to 5 mm) and usually do not form scars.
Nodules - larger (more than 5 mm) deep and rigid structure. They are often painful. Dissolution nodules leads to the formation of cyst. On-site nodules scars remain.
Cyst with acne disease different from normal cyst - cavities under the skin. Typically, they are located against the backdrop of inflammation, appear red or purple. They also can be very painful and form scars behind. Frequently, a cyst alternating with the "slip" fistula moves and bridge scars.
Secondary elements in acne rash is a crust of get pustules and cysts, sometimes flakes. These include excoriation and is the result of squeezing, attempts to remove blotches. On the ground, aging may be different spots, pink or red on the spot recently discovered pustules light or dark (pigmented) for the old.
Simple, small pink or red spots remaining at the old elements rashes usually disappear after a few weeks.
The different elements rashes said on its severity, which can be assessed.
© Ramzaj
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Signs and symptoms of acne

by Ramzaj

Acne rashes have different elements, some skin lesions. Elements skin can be a lot or very little. At the same time on the same site, the skin can have different skin. All of them are located on the ground sebaceous glands. The biggest cancer is skin, chest and back, where there are blotches.
Typical location acne rashes (scheme). On the left front, right rear. The points marked the typical places rashes. Blotches are located in places frequented largest sebaceous glands of skin : on the head / face (head, whiskey, cheek, nose nosogubnye creases, chin), neck to the front and rear, on his chest and back (upper part), at the top of the shoulder. Acne rashes can grab one or more of these zones.
Signs and symptoms of acne disease over time supplemented its consequences, the most serious of them are scars.
There are the few forms of acne disease, each of which is dominated by certain elements rashes. Severe forms of skin may appear immediately or gradually, following the usual acne and acne.
It is important to assess the severity of acne illness to find the right approach to treatment. Complications acne disease can be caused by errors in treatment or inappropriate care of the skin.
It is also important to know the correct diagnosis and prevent any confusion acne rashes with other diseases like it.
© Ramzaj
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Sunday, April 8, 2007

3 Cystic Acne Removal Options

by Rebecca Prescott

Cystic acne is one type of acne vulgaris, and can be more difficult to remove than other forms of acne as it occurs deep in the skin rather than on the surface. It is caused when oil glands under the skin become blocked and then burst, causing inflammation of the tissue around them. If you have cystic acne you will experience large painful bumps similar to cysts, but not necessarily white or blackheads on the skin's surface.

There are a number of ways to remove cystic acne, but the first thing to make sure of is that you don't squeeze the spots. This may cause a deeper infection and further tissue inflammation which will take longer to heal.

The first treatment that you should try is benzoyl peroxide which you can buy yourself over the counter, or have prescribed by your dermatologist, and which should be applied directly to the pimples over a period of time. If this doesn't work it may be time to move onto a more intense form of cystic acne treatment.

The most effective treatment of severe cystic acne is isotretinoin, also known as accutane. This oral medication should be taken regularly over a period of up to twenty weeks and works by reducing the size of the oil producing glands, as well as limiting the shedding of skin cells. It also makes the skin cells less sticky so they are less likely to cause a blockage.

Isotretinoin is a strong drug and has various side effects, so your dermatologist will give you a thorough assessment before prescribing it and at various times throughout the course of treatment. Physically it can cause inflamed lip and eye membranes, dry skin, mouth or nose, muscle aches, nose bleeds and vision problems. It can even cause increased blood cholesterol and changes in liver function.

Mental risks associated with it include depression, psychosis and suicidal thoughts. For this reason it will not be subscribed to anyone with a history of depression, and you will be closely monitored whist you are taking the drug.

A final risk associated with this medication is the development of birth defects in unborn babies. It will never be prescribed to pregnant women and women of child bearing age are encouraged to use at least two methods of contraception whilst taking the drug.

Another possibility for treating cystic acne is intra-lesional corticosteroid therapy. This involves an injection of dilute cortisone solution directly into the cyst. It provides fast relief from pain and clears the pimple quickly. However, it is not a long term cure and does not necessarily prevent the acne from returning.

Your final option to remove cystic acne would be acne surgery which is the physical removal of the material forming the blockages and causing the lesions. This needs to be done by a professional dermatologist and followed up by a course of antibiotics to ensure it does not cause further infection.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Treating Acne Tips And Guidance

by Robert Sheehan

Acne is a condition that needs proper and timely care and cure. Acne can be troublesome and stubborn; at the same time, it can be a cause of acute depression. So, treat it before it becomes a severe problem. Treating acne is not a very easy task. Before you are going in for a treatment, you should try to retrieve detailed information from the various sources about the different acne treatments available.

The three different acne conditions - mild, moderate and severe - should be treated in three different ways. Treat mild acne by first washing the area with warm water and soap and then apply a cream that incorporates Benzoyl Peroxide or salicylic acid.

If your acne is in moderate stage (that is when it covers half your face), then you can see a dermatologist in order to handle the situation quickly. The treatment can be a light therapy or prescription treatment like an antimicrobial and Retinoid cream. You can also go in for an oral acne treatment.

As your acne reaches the severe stage, the pimples and zits become deep, inflamed and cyst like. These can leave ugly marks on your skin and so you should always try to treat your acne problem before it reaches this stage. Oral antibiotics and medications such as Accutane can be used at this stage.

Different Acne Problems And Their Cures

First, try to understand which parts of your body can be affected by acne - usually the face, arms, neck, back and legs are the worst affected areas.

You can use Benzoyl Peroxide for acne treatment .You can obtain it from any pharmacy at different strength-level starting from 2.5%. It helps unclog blocked pores, which reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, resulting in lowered levels of sebum. You can also go in for a Retonoid treatment. These are very effective in curing black heads, white heads and comedonal acne.

Then there are popular acne medications prescribed by doctors like the Menocyline, Tretinoin, Tetracycline and Accutane, etc. You can also go for a natural acne treatment. You should exercise regularly and have a balanced natural diet. The best way to get rid of acne is to treat the cause of acne.

You can remove acne scars by using homemade chemical peels or go for a doctor-administered session. Nowadays, many people are opting for laser treatments like the Light, YAG or carbon dioxide laser. However, the best way to keep acne problems at bay is to attend to them at the right time and obtain the right information for its treatment.

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Monday, April 2, 2007

What Adult Acne Treatments Really Work?

by Ken Black

Contrary to popular belief, acne isn't just restricted to teenagers. And in the same way that this skin ailment can cause untold distress and embarrassment in teens of both sexes, so can it have the same effect on those who suffer from it in later life. With figures showing that as much as a quarter of adult males will suffer from acne at some stage, and double that amount of adult women, the market for adult acne treatment has never been more popular.

Since acne can affect people well into middle age and beyond, defining what causes it in the first place is one of the best ways to know how to combat adult acne. Treatment can vary, from the simplest yet effective remedies to minor surgical procedures in the very severe cases. One of the causes of adult acne has been found to be hormonal deficiencies. Therefore, speak to your doctor first, as they can arrange hormonal treatment for your acne if this is the case.

If it's less serious acne that ointments and creams can treat, one of the best and most effective options available is benzoyl peroxide. This is a simple ointment that you can buy over the counter at your local pharmacists, and is just as effective a treatment for adult acne as it is for teenagers. Salicylic acid is another relatively simple treatment that can be bought at any drugstore.

Should the problem require a more intense solution, however, there are a variety of prescription treatments available, too. Once again, check with your doctor on which ones would be more beneficial for you, depending on your skin type, or if you suffer from any allergies, etc. Some of the more common treatments prescribed for adult acne is adapalene, tretinoin and azelaic acid. These are put onto the skin itself. Oral versions include sulfur, clindamycin and isotretinoin. However, you should beware of any side effects, such as dizziness or stomach complaints. If unsure, consult your doctor.

There is another prescription method available, accutane, but this is seen as a last resort for any sufferer. An intensive course of treatment that can last anywhere up to six months depending on the sufferer themselves, it has proven to be very effective in the fight against adult acne. However, it has been linked to some serious side effects; liver damage and depression are just two of the potential hazards that users may experience. Even more damaging is the potential for birth defects in pregnant women. Therefore, it's not a treatment to be taken lightly.

If pharmaceutical drugs and treatments fail to solve the problem, there is always the option of a surgical procedure for the more seriously afflicted. Should your doctor or specialist feel your acne warrants it, you may be sent for laser treatment, which, though often painful, can remove the problem more efficiently.

Although acne can be an embarrassing and often annoying affliction, with the various treatments available, it needn't be a permanent one.

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