Monday, April 2, 2007

What Adult Acne Treatments Really Work?

by Ken Black

Contrary to popular belief, acne isn't just restricted to teenagers. And in the same way that this skin ailment can cause untold distress and embarrassment in teens of both sexes, so can it have the same effect on those who suffer from it in later life. With figures showing that as much as a quarter of adult males will suffer from acne at some stage, and double that amount of adult women, the market for adult acne treatment has never been more popular.

Since acne can affect people well into middle age and beyond, defining what causes it in the first place is one of the best ways to know how to combat adult acne. Treatment can vary, from the simplest yet effective remedies to minor surgical procedures in the very severe cases. One of the causes of adult acne has been found to be hormonal deficiencies. Therefore, speak to your doctor first, as they can arrange hormonal treatment for your acne if this is the case.

If it's less serious acne that ointments and creams can treat, one of the best and most effective options available is benzoyl peroxide. This is a simple ointment that you can buy over the counter at your local pharmacists, and is just as effective a treatment for adult acne as it is for teenagers. Salicylic acid is another relatively simple treatment that can be bought at any drugstore.

Should the problem require a more intense solution, however, there are a variety of prescription treatments available, too. Once again, check with your doctor on which ones would be more beneficial for you, depending on your skin type, or if you suffer from any allergies, etc. Some of the more common treatments prescribed for adult acne is adapalene, tretinoin and azelaic acid. These are put onto the skin itself. Oral versions include sulfur, clindamycin and isotretinoin. However, you should beware of any side effects, such as dizziness or stomach complaints. If unsure, consult your doctor.

There is another prescription method available, accutane, but this is seen as a last resort for any sufferer. An intensive course of treatment that can last anywhere up to six months depending on the sufferer themselves, it has proven to be very effective in the fight against adult acne. However, it has been linked to some serious side effects; liver damage and depression are just two of the potential hazards that users may experience. Even more damaging is the potential for birth defects in pregnant women. Therefore, it's not a treatment to be taken lightly.

If pharmaceutical drugs and treatments fail to solve the problem, there is always the option of a surgical procedure for the more seriously afflicted. Should your doctor or specialist feel your acne warrants it, you may be sent for laser treatment, which, though often painful, can remove the problem more efficiently.

Although acne can be an embarrassing and often annoying affliction, with the various treatments available, it needn't be a permanent one.

Article Source:
Buy Accutane (Isotretinoin) $2.00 per pill

1 comment:

salayhin said...

Acne is major problem for almost all the teenagers, in all parts of the globe. Everyone wants to get rid of it! In fact, there is a wide variety of things that can actually help you cure it. You can make a paste or mask from different kinds of plants and herbs or just buy ,natural acne products on the nearest store.

In all cases, natural acne treatment is based solely on botanicals which are organic and have little or no adverse side effects on people.
Natural treatment for acne . is always helpful to acne treatment .

Visit For More Information:

Acne Treatment